+41 21 512 60 80 info@allia.legal

Fanette Sardet

Fanette Sardet

Fanette Sardet has a CAS in Health Law and specialises in this field, in which she has acquired solid practical experience. She assists both institutional and private actors in the health sector throughout their careers, whether it be advising them, dealing with the authorities or representing them before the courts in administrative, civil or criminal proceedings. Vice-president of the Tribunal de Prud'hommes de l'arrondissement de Lausanne, she is frequently involved in labour law, but also in contract and insurance law in general. She represents her clients in all types of litigation. Trained in collaborative law, she seeks to resolve disputes amicably whenever possible.

Languages spoken: French, English, German

Associations: Fédération Suisse des Avocats (FSA), Ordre des avocats vaudois (OAV), Jeune Barreau Vaudois (JBVD), ALBA - Avocates à la barre, Femmes Juristes Suisse (FJS)

Health law / medical law

Civil and commercial litigation / arbitration

Labor law

Contract law / Commercial law

Insurance law/liability law

Inheritance law

Curriculum vitae

Professional background

Since 2024

Attorney at Allia SA

Since 2022

Vice-President of the Tribunal de Prud’hommes de l’arrondissement de Lausanne

2020 - 2023

Partner at Rusconi & Associés

2017 - 2020

Associate at Rusconi & Associés

2015 - 2017

Junior associate at Rusconi & Associés

2014 - 2015

Lawyer at Tamedia Publications romandes SA

2013 - 2014

Ad hoc clerk at the Tribunal de Prud'hommes de l'arrondissement de la Broye et du Nord Vaudois

2010 - 2014

Legal assistant at Nagravision SA, Kudelski Group


Educational background


CAS in Health Law, Institute of Health Law, University of Neuchâtel


Admission to the bar


Master of Law, bilingual French-German, University of Fribourg


Bachelor of Law, bilingual French-German, University of Fribourg


Board and associative mandates

Since 2023

Committee member of ALBA – Avocates à la barre

2019 - 2024

Member of the Board of the Fondation Praz-Soleil

2019 - 2020

Member of the Board of the Fondation Pôle Santé du Pays-d'Enhaut

2017 - 2020

Committee member and secretary of the Jeune Barreau Vaudois


  • Le tarif‑cadre : un atout pour les associations de médecins dans les négociations tarifaires, in Revue Médicale Suisse (co-auteure, 2024)
  • Du privilège thérapeutique du médecin au droit à l’autodétermination, in DOC – Le rendez-vous des médecins vaudois (2023)
  • Actualisation du commentaire des art. 11 et 33 à 36, in Valticos et al. (édit.), Commentaire romand de la Loi sur la profession d’avocats (LLCA) (2e éd., co-auteure, 2022)
  • Tarif-cadre pour la valeur du point TARMED, in DOC – Le rendez-vous des médecins vaudois (co-auteure, 2022)
  • Liberté économique des médecins et maîtrise des coûts de la santé : l’exemple de la clause du besoin, Courrier des médecins vaudois (co-auteure, 2021)


Doctor-patient confidentiality, certificate of employment, liability: an overview of common legal issues in the practice (Young Swiss Family Doctors Congress, 2022)


Allia SA

Rue Centrale 6

P.O. Box

1001 Lausanne

+41 21 512 60 80


Our law firm is located in the center of Lausanne, a few steps away from the Flon and Place St-François.

Allia SA is a member of the international lawyers network Concerto. Our attorneys are admitted to the Vaud Bar.