Me Alexann Frei

With a Bachelor's and Master's degree in law, Alexann Frei, junior associate, has several years' experience as a court clerk. Her experience in the courts has enabled her to develop an in-depth knowledge of the judicial world. Working in close collaboration with the firm's attorneys, she actively contributes to the handling of cases thanks to her strong legal skills.
Languages spoken: French, English
Associations: Jeune Barreau Vaudois (JBVD), ALBA - Avocates à la Barre
Curriculum vitae
Professional background
Since 2024
Junior associate at Allia SA
2022 - 2024
Clerk to the Tribunal d'arrondissement de la Broye et du Nord Vaudois
Ad hoc clerk to the Justice de paix des districts du Jura-Nord-vaudois et du Gros-de-Vaud
Lawyer at Fluri & Associés
Receptionist at Rusconi & Associés
Educational background
Master of Law - litigation and criminal law, University of Lausanne
Bachelor of Law, University of Lausanne
Our law firm is located in the center of Lausanne, a few steps away from the Flon and Place St-François.
Allia SA is a member of the international lawyers network Concerto. Our attorneys are admitted to the Vaud Bar.